Social Network Learning: Initial Thoughts....
What are your initial reactions about joining these social networks for use in this course?
My initial reactions to joining these social networks are mixed. I am already a member of another group within DIIGO and have found this helpful at times but also haven’t delved too far into it. However, this semester I finally added the extension that goes along with DIIGO and I am kicking myself now for not using this last semester or prior to the EdTech program. Like with other things, it takes some time for things to click or understand the full potential of a resource.
This is my first experience with Twitter. I haven’t joined in the past mainly because I am a part of other social networks and wasn’t ready to add another one just to add it without having a purpose. However, I am curious to see how Twitter compares to other social networks and see how it can be leveraged in the educational setting. I now teach online and am finding myself a little disconnected with what students are in to. Do students use Twitter? Or will Twitter be a great resource for me as an educator?
I have not blogged before but I have kept reflective journals for other classes and for some aspects of my life my life (i.e. documenting my twins life/development, goals, etc). I would say setting up my blog was the hardest, in that I wasn’t sure what would be the best platform to use. I ultimately chose Blogger because it is free and a Google product, which will hopefully allow for easy use between each application.
What is your experience in using social media for your own professional development?
Professionally I have used social media mainly to connect with other educators and professionals. I use Google+ to be connected to my schools professional learning community and other groups related to science education. I use Facebook to follow educational websites to receive latest headlines, reports, news, and perspectives. I have a LinkedIn account that I am trying to do better at keeping current and to use for future job opportunities and networking. Youtube I commonly use to find relevant videos to share with students and to create and share my own videos for the classes I am taking.
What is your experience in using social media as an instructional strategy in your learning environment?
To be honest I don’t think I have really used that much social media as an instructional strategy in my learning environment. This is mainly due to many of these networks and sites being blocked at the traditional schools. For example, a few years ago I was super excited to collaborate with a research laboratory at BSU where the college students were documenting their work on a blog and then supplying additional information about how their work connects with what my students were learning in science class. It was going to be an amazing partnership in my eyes, but unfortunately it was not able to succeed due to the blog site being blocked at school and the majority of my students not having access to the internet at home. I tried a few workarounds but ultimately it just wasn’t the same experience as letting kids access the blog for themselves. In the last few years, it seems that there is some easing up with YouTube restrictions for students. This would be great for students to document their own learning and field work then share with others.
What are your expectations for this course?
Through this course I hope to become more familiar with how to use social networks and tools as an instructional strategy to increase student engagement and learning. I know the basics about most platforms but have not used them or have used them minimally in my classroom. In addition, I am interested in learning more about the theory and research on the efficacy of social networks in the classroom and best practices. I am curious to know what social networks are more advantageous. I would also like to know how I and institutions can better employ technology and social networking to help guide students and help them be prepared for the future. Our world today is very different from what it was 10-20 years ago and it is important to continue to evolve and enhance learning experiences and engagement for students
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